What is the Best Time for Eating Chyawanprash?

Best Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is an ancient and traditional Ayurvedic preparation of herbs that has been used by health experts in  India for hundreds of years. Due to its amazing health benefits, Chyawanprash is famously consumed in other countries as well. It is consumed as a dietary supplement which generally fulfills the requirements of some essential electrolytes in the human body. 

Best Chyawanprash

If we are talking about best Chyawanprash and its benefits then it would be beneficial to know that one can buy best quality Chyawanprash that helps maintain overall health from one of the most trusted platforms, i.e. Pravek Kalp. Pravek Rajatprash which is also known as  ‘Chandi Wala Chyawanprash’ are the two great products manufactured in Pravek Kalp, keeping in mind the healthy mind and body of an individual. It is prepared with the goodness of multiple health beneficial herbs that can help an individual in many ways. 

When and How to Consume Chyawanprash
Before getting into the amazing benefits of Chyawanprash let’s first focus on another most important challenge that one faces while consuming it. Yes, what is the best time for eating Chyawanprash? 

This is the very common doubt that comes in almost everyone's mind. So let’s clear out this doubt first.

Any time that works for you!
Chyawanprash can be consumed at any time of the day completely depending upon the convenience of an individual. 

Consume on empty stomach/ in the morning
Besides this, to be more precise and if we talk about experts advice, one must consume Chyawanprash on an empty stomach, in the morning, to promote healthy digestion and begin the day with a healthy digestive fire to keep the metabolism healthy. 

Eat it at night, before bedtime
One can also consume Chyawanprash at night before bedtime. It is very well known that when we sleep at night, every system shuts down except our heart and digestive system. So, consuming Chyawanprash at night might also help improve digestion due to its health beneficial ingredients properly. 

Have it post physical workouts
If anyone is a gym lover or rigorously exercises every day, then he/she can even consume Chyawanprash once done with exercise, to recover the lost energy of the body.  

Now after knowing the correct time to consume Chyawanprash, one should also be aware about some of its health benefits. Described below are some amazing  health benefits of Chyawanprash:

Benfit of Chyawanprash
Good for Digestion: Chyawanprash is rich in certain herbs like Chhoti Elaichi, Daalchini and Tejpatra which helps improve digestion of an individual hence promoting a healthy gut. It helps reduce certain conditions associated with the digestive system like gas and acidity and leads to healthy digestion. Chyawanprash very effectively works upon boosting up one’s digestive system. Pravek Rajatprash is a Chandi Wala Chyawanprash which is one of the best Chyawanprash.

Good for Immunity: Chyawanprash is considered as an excellent Ayurvedic preparation  that  helps support and boost immunity as it works as a Rasayana. It is rich in certain health beneficial herbs such as Amla (Indian Gooseberry), which is full with the nutritious value of Vitamin C and fulfills the requirement of this vitamin in the body. Because of this property, it works as an antioxidant which further helps to improve the defence mechanism of one’s body to fight against infections and illness. Pravek Rajatprash is one of the best quality Chyawanprash in India that helps boost the immunity of an individual. 

Enhances Energy and Vitality: Chyawanprash acts as a Rasayan as per Ayurveda, which means it acts as a rejuvenating tonic that helps maintain the energy level of an individual. Since it helps to maintain the energy level, it is also known to boost up the vitality of a person.   

Helps in managing stress and Sleep Disorders: Herbs like Ashwagandha and Shatavari in Chyawanprash have a really wonderful impact on the mental health of an individual. Such herbs help reduce the excessive stress and also helps people who are suffering from low or disturbed sleep. Regular consumption of Chyawanprash helps a person to lower down the stress and have the best of his sleep without any disturbance. Pravek Chyawanprash plays an important role in this because it is Chhandi Wala Chyawanprash and Chaandi is well known to calm the human brain in stressful conditions.

Good for boosting Memory: Chyawanprash is also rich in herbs that help boost memory - like Ashvagandha and Go-Ghrita. Regular consumption of Chyawanprash helps an individual to enhance memory power and improve their concentration. This is also beneficial for children as well if consumed in appropriate quantities.  

Fights Against Infections: Goodness of herbs like Giloy, in the formulation of Chyawanprash, enhance its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that help an individual to fight against the infection and maintain a good internal health. 

Chyawanprash is the best immunity boosting supplement being consumed since ancient times. One can buy the best Chyawanprash from one of the trusted platforms, Pravek,com. Pravek is known to produce other health beneficial products as well, such as Rajatprash which is also known as “Chandi Wala Chyawanprash” to keep one healthy inside out.

It is also very important for us to know that, even though Chyawanprash has been used since ages for many health benefits, researches are still going on to get to know more of its benefits. As per Ayurveda, every Individual’s body is developed very differently, so the effects may vary from person to person. It does not have any harm, but still it is very much required to consult a health professional if anyone sees any unwanted changes, especially if there is any pre-existing history of any medical illness or are consuming any medication at present. Moreover, one should also make sure to follow the dosage as recommended to get the highest benefit from Chyawanprash.   


Authored by:
Dr. Nikita Chaudhary
BAMS, MD (Ayu)


The content of this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. We are not liable for any actions taken based on the information provided. For specific advice or concerns, please consult a professional.

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