The Benefits of Doing an Ayurvedic Retreat During Monsoon

Ayurvedic Retreat During Monsoon

Waking up with gloomy clouds lingering between the dark skies and threatening to give way to the rain, makes for a cozy morning tea setting.

Waking up with gloomy clouds lingering between the dark skies and threatening to give way to the rain, makes for a cozy morning tea setting. And it’s not a visual that would entice many people to jump out of bed and undertake any major activity. In fact, rain is often associated with laziness, maybe because it makes one feel like curling up in bed with chai and a good book. But monsoons can be a great time for going on a mental and physical break or an ayurvedic retreat, to rejuvenate, re-align and re-calibrate oneself.


Here Are some Reasons Why You Should Go for an Ayurvedic Retreat During Monsoon Season:

Naturally Soothing Background Music

Many would agree that the soft rat-a-tat or tapping sound of rain soothes them, especially when one has the time to just sit back and enjoy nature’s sounds and vibrations. In fact, the sound of rain is considered a form of white noise, as it contains a broad range of frequencies that can mask other sounds, reduce distractions and help the brain to focus. So when you are spending time trying to unwind and heal, the calming effect of the rain can be especially beneficial. This sound stimulates the production of alpha brain waves, which enhances relaxation and concentration. When your mind and body are in a state of relaxation, they are much more open to the healing powers of the treatments, meaning you will notice greater benefits from them. 


Body’s Response is Better

During monsoon time, our skin is likely to be moist and soft as the humidity helps to open the pores. Since many Ayurvedic treatments involve rubbing or massaging oils on the skin to flush out toxins, open pores will absorb the benefits of herbs and ayurvedic concoctions more deeply. This is helpful in balancing the body and its doshas as well.


It’s Pleasant to Spend Time Outside

If you remember the amazing aroma of wet mud, then you would know that rain cleanses everything and makes it quite pleasant to be outdoors. The air is fresher, as toxins, dust and pollution has been washed away; the beauty of plants and trees multiplies; and everything seems much more lively! Such an environment is one of the best times during the entire year, especially in India, for outdoor activities. 


The Essence of Monsoon

Varsha Ritu, or the rainy season, breathes new life into the world. The monsoons transform the landscape into a lush green haven, bursting with new life. Beyond the physical renewal, the monsoon season offers a chance for deep introspection. The soft, musical rhythm of raindrops silences the noise of our daily lives, slowing us down and fostering a period of reflection and growth. This natural lull encourages nurturing, learning, and introspection, making Varsha Ritu an ideal time for personal development.

In Summary

Charaka, an ancient Ayurvedic scholar, wisely noted, “All diseases begin at the junction of seasons.” As we transition from the scorching summer to the refreshing rains, the environmental changes can disrupt our internal balance. The interim period between these seasons can aggravate the Vata dosha (air bioenergy) and accumulate the Pitta dosha (fire bioenergy), leading to weakened strength and vitality. This imbalance can cause a range of issues, including reduced immunity, allergies, indigestion, infections, and sluggish metabolism.

Ayurveda recommends subtle cleansing and rejuvenating treatments during this time. By following a regimen that includes a balanced diet and lifestyle, we can harmonize our bioenergy, boost metabolism, and strengthen immunity. These practices help realign our internal balance, allowing our bodies to become more receptive to healing and detoxification.

The wisdom of Ayurveda not only enhances our appreciation of the monsoon's natural beauty but also elevates our overall wellbeing. By embracing the season's qualities and benefits, we can live in harmony with nature and enjoy a profound sense of rejuvenation.




Authored by:
Team Pravek 


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