International Arogya 2024: 3rd International Exhibition & Conference on AYUSH & Wellness

Lucknow, India - International Arogya 2024, the esteemed 3rd International Exhibition & Conference on Ayush & Wellness, held from 22nd to 25th February 2024 at Avadh Shilpgram, witnessed a diverse gathering of global stakeholders in the AYUSH sector.

Notable attendees included esteemed foreign delegates from Poland, Bangladesh, Uganda, Ethiopia, Romania, Iran, Nepal, France, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Egypt, and beyond, alongside local doctors, practitioners, traders, and students who graced the event with their presence. Among them was Prof. Ish, Member of the Ayurveda Chair of Malaysia, who emphasized the growing demand for Indian products in Malaysia, suggesting potential avenues for collaboration.

The event served as a platform for meaningful interactions and insightful discussions on various healthcare topics. Attendees showed keen interest in diverse Ayurvedic products, with particular emphasis on neuro-related disorders, arthritis, diabetes, sexual wellness, obesity, high blood pressure, asthma, skin problems, and more.

Reflecting on the event, an attendee remarked, "International Arogya 2024 showcased the transformative potential of AYUSH on a global scale, fostering dialogue and collaboration among practitioners and enthusiasts alike."

The exhibition not only highlighted the strength and scientific validation of India's traditional systems of medicine but also underscored the growing international recognition of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa, and Homoeopathy.

Pravek, a prominent participant, captivated visitors with its innovative product range and insightful discussions. The demand for Ayurvedic solutions transcended borders, with attendees expressing enthusiasm for Pravek's offerings, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in the AYUSH sector.

The event witnessed engaging discussions on various health concerns and the role of AYUSH in addressing them. Topics ranged from neuro-related disorders and arthritis to diabetes, sexual wellness, obesity, high blood pressure, asthma, and skin problems. Visitors explored a myriad of Ayurvedic solutions, including single herb products, classical remedies, and innovative formulations.

Throughout the exhibition, attendees engaged in lively discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions, fostering a sense of community and collaboration within the AYUSH industry. Professionals exchanged insights on market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging opportunities, laying the groundwork for future partnerships and initiatives.

International Arogya 2024 stands as a testament to the global appeal of AYUSH and the collective efforts to integrate traditional medicine into mainstream healthcare delivery, paving the way for a healthier and more holistic future.

As the event concluded, participants departed with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm, inspired by the possibilities that AYUSH presents in shaping a healthier world for all.

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